Commercial Rent-to-Own Agreement: The Key Terms You Need to Know

If you`re starting a small business but don`t have the funding to purchase your own property, renting may be your best bet. However, renting can be costly in the long run and limit your options for growth. This is where a commercial rent-to-own agreement comes into play. In this article, we’ll explore key terms you need to know when it comes to commercial rent-to-own agreements.

What is a Commercial Rent-to-Own Agreement?

A commercial rent-to-own agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant that allows the tenant the option to purchase the property at the end of the lease term. Unlike traditional commercial leases, where the tenant has no equity in the property, rent-to-own agreements allow the tenant to build equity in the leased property over time.

Key Terms in a Commercial Rent-to-Own Agreement

Rent Credit: Rent credit is the amount of the monthly rent payment that is applied towards the purchase price of the property. The agreed-upon rent credit amount is typically documented in the lease agreement.

Option Fee: The option fee is a non-refundable fee paid by the tenant at the beginning of the lease term. It gives the tenant the right to purchase the property at the end of the lease term. The option fee is typically a percentage of the purchase price and is often credited towards the purchase price at closing.

Purchase Price: The purchase price is the agreed-upon price for the property at the end of the lease term. It is typically determined at the beginning of the lease and documented in the lease agreement.

Lease Term: The lease term is the length of time the tenant has to lease the property before the option to purchase the property becomes available. It is typically several years, depending on the agreement between the landlord and tenant.

Maintenance and Repairs: Maintenance and repairs are the responsibility of the tenant, just like in a traditional lease agreement. However, the tenant may be responsible for more extensive repairs if they are looking to purchase the property at the end of the lease term.

Advantages of a Commercial Rent-to-Own Agreement

A commercial rent-to-own agreement offers several benefits to both the landlord and tenant, including:

Equity Building: Rent payments are not just an expense but rather a way to build equity in the property.

Lower up-front Costs: The option fee is typically much lower than the down payment required for a traditional purchase.

Flexibility: Rent-to-own agreements often give tenants the flexibility to make repairs and improvements to the property without needing to seek landlord approval.


A commercial rent-to-own agreement presents an opportunity for tenants to become property owners. However, it is essential to understand the key terms and responsibilities before entering into such an agreement. If you`re a small business owner, consider a commercial rent-to-own agreement as a way to build equity and invest in your future.